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Malta, 29 August - 2 September 2024

International Training for Youth Leaders in Malta

Malta, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, and Romania, attended the training course

Last update: 9 September 2024


Between 29th August and 2nd September, a group of young people from various Catholic organisations across Europe gathered in Malta to take part in a Leadership Training Course organised by ŻAK. This event was made possible through Erasmus+ funding provided by the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA) in Malta.

Approximately 40 young people from five countries; Malta, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, and Romania, attended the training course. Throughout the programme, participants had the chance to reflect on their roles as leaders within their organisations. The course featured a variety of activities, along with moments dedicated to formation, reflection, and fun!

The first day began with Holy Mass and focused on the significance of each individual’s role within their Catholic organisation. Through games and activities, the young participants quickly got to know each other on a deeper level, forming strong bonds. The second day kicked off with an activity exploring the history of the world and Catholic Action, using a timeline to highlight how small we are in the grand scheme of things, yet how essential we are to the world and to their mission. Each day, the breaks were filled with community moments and games led by one of the five countries.

In the afternoon, the participants met with the President and other members of ŻAK, who shared their personal journeys, their roles, and, most importantly, how Catholic Action has shaped their lives and continues to influence the people they are becoming. That same evening, the participants celebrated cultural diversity by showcasing their countries through traditional food, quizzes, games, and dances, giving everyone the opportunity to experience and enjoy each other’s unique cultures.

On the final day, participants reflected on the lessons they had gained over the previous days, deepening their motivation to lead. After a meaningful morning, they attended Sunday Mass, followed by a relaxing afternoon at a beautiful local beach. The evening ended with music and dancing by the sea, and, as always, saying goodbye was the hardest part. Though they had only spent a few days together, heartfelt farewells were exchanged, with hopes that their paths would cross again in the future.

Sescu Karla Monica from Acțiunea Catolică România explained how she accepted the invitation with love. It was an impressive experience in which she learned how a leader should behave in the organisation, what are the duties of a good leader and  learned ways to communicate effectively. She was impressed by the experiences shared by the Maltese leaders who were a real inspiration to her.

Laura Castro Álvarez, an 18 year-old girl from Asturias, a region in the north of Spain, member of Acción Católica General, said that she arrived in Malta without much idea of what they were going to do. The part she loved the most was meeting so many new people, both from her own country and from Italy, Romania, Malta and Slovakia. It was interesting talking to them about their Catholic organisations and lives. She found out that even though they live thousands of kilometres away from each other, they were not so different. The training was really inspiring and helpful to improve their leadership skills and be able to guide the youth groups better.

Alejandro Hernández López, a 23 year old from Murcia in Spain explained how he had doubts about his role as a Youth Leader before this experience, but thanks to the workshops and the conversations with other participants, he strengthened his commitment to his organisation and to the young people he works with. He also mentioned how grateful he is to be part of the European Union, which made this activity possible, where he could meet other people from different countries, which  greatly enhanced his experience.

Lucia Puškášová, from eRko Slovakia said that the 3 day training seminar in Malta helped her answer questions such as; Who is a leader? Why does one become a leader? What qualities should a group leader have? And is leadership what I want to do? She found out that it is not important whether she calls herself an animator, a guide or a leader. It is more important to find motivation in it, even when things are not going her way. It is then that she needs to listen more, to be more open to others, to pray and be true to her values, because she is responsible for a group of young people who need her help. She is very grateful for the Erasmus funds that provide the opportunity for youths like herself to grow and develop their skills internationally.

Johana Šuťáková, also from eRko Slovakia said that she has gained new knowledge about who she is, what her role as a leader is and thought about how to be of better service to other people. Her friend Zuzana Bajzová described the training for youth leaders as an amazing opportunity to meet new people, to experience the feeling of unity of all nations, to absorb fresh knowledge and train her skills.

Maria Biasibetti, from Padua and a member of Azione Cattolica Italiana said that the Training for Youth Leaders made her discover how similar the realities of each association are, despite the differences in language and culture. She learnt that to be a good leader it is not enough to be present at meetings, but one needs to be capable and have the skills to help young people and accompany them in their growth.

Wayne Magri and Liam Axiak from ŻAK Malta both said that this training for Youth Leaders was truly an unforgettable experience as far as leading and being a youth leader goes. They can now confidently say that they learnt the inner workings and ethics which goes into it. It was truly a fantastic experience to see so many motivated young leaders who are ready to commit to the role of not only spreading the word of God but also the commitment to the role of being a youth leader itself.

Carlo Rossi, also a member of ŻAK Malta, described this leadership training as a fantastic experience, where he not only learnt and grew as a leader through the workshops, but believes that the experience of living and discussing with people from other countries and organisations was irreplaceable. He was pleased that there are so many young leaders like him, and that we are all ready to take serious steps in order to help young people grow with God.

This activity was made possible thanks to Erasmus+ funds given by the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA).

This activity was coordinated by ŻAK’s Youth Work Coordinator. The Youth Programme of ŻAK is supported by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ through the INVEST Operational Grant 2023-2025.

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