Lord Jesus Christ, first evangelizer of our life,
we pray for this II International Congress
on Catholic Action so that it may be
a “daring Pentecost for this outgoing Church”.
As a Church-communion we wish “to return to the source
and to recover the original freshness of the Gospel”
which tells us to “Go” to everyone, children, youths, adults, and families,
and especially to the poorest and the weakest,
with the message of the Life which gives life.
May we “listen to the Spirit which helps us to discern, as a community,
the signs of the times” so as to be daring and creative
experiencing “the delightful and comforting joy of evangelizing”
and thus we live urged by your love which makes us disciples,
missionaries among our people.
May we put our mature co-responsibility at the service of the Church,
“while preserving a believing, generous and simple heart”,
to promote the culture of encounter, dialogue and peace
in the midst of our social and ecclesial responsibilities,
seeking the development of every person and the building of the common good.
May Mary, the star of evangelization, animate us, as Catholic Action,
to be this “common home” with everyone and for everyone, a school of sanctity,
a fraternal place wherein we regenerate our faith and revive our life’s profound options.
May She, the mother of the living Gospel,
help us to renew our commitment to bring to light, bless, enliven,
raise up, heal and free others.
We are mission! This is what we are in the Church and in the world for.
May the Catholic Action Saints, Blessed and faithful witnesses of the world intercede for us.
May this providential intuition of Catholic Action grow and increase as a sign of communion and mission in the heart of the Church.
• Live within the world as sign of hope and ardent witnesses of the Christ of the Easter;
• be man and women of prayer, with a contemplative heart to be able to know men’s suffering and to cry out the Good News of salvation to the whole word;
• Love the Church and be everywhere a joyous sign of the missionary communion of the Church.
Servant of God
Card. Eduardo Francisco Pironio
We invite you all to get in touch, to visit the cloistered monasteries in our dioceses so that they support with their prayers the preparation and the development of our congress.