IASI, 22-26 August 2012

6th Assembly

Lay Catholic Action members: ecclesial and social co-responsability.“They set out at once and returned to Jerusalem” (LK 24.33)

What we do

Last update: 5 February 2024


21st and 22nd morning     Arrivals

Wednesday 22 August – Mary Queen of Heaven, dedication of the Cathedral
10.00  Opening of Administrative Office

Tour of Iasi
16.30  WELCOME
Presentation of participants by the Youth Coordination Group
17.00Eucharistic Adoration – Prayer to the Holy Spirit
H.E. Msgr. Eduardo Garcia – Argentina

18.00 Departure for Iasi Cathedral
18.30 Holy Mass in the Latin Rite by H.E. Msgr. Petru Gherghel, Bishop of Iasi – Homily by H.E. Msgr. Virgil Bercea, Bishop of Oradea, Delegate of the Romanian Bishops’ Conference for the Laity, COMECE Vice-President

21.15   Introduction by Oana Tuduce National President of CA Romania
The Catholic Church and Catholic Action in Romania Biblical reflection on the passage about the Disciples of Emmaus “They set out at once and returned to JerusalemLk 24:13-35

H.E. Msgr. Florentin Crihalmeanu, Bishop of Cluj Napoca

Thursday 23 August – CA’s contribution towards new Evangelisation


Introduced by Adriana Ianus, Diocesan President CA Iasi
Opening Prayer – H.E. Msgr. Petru Gherghel

– Emilio Inzaurraga, National President of CA Argentina and IFCA Secretariat Coordinator
– Oana Tuduce
– H.E. Msgr. Virgil Bercea
– H.E. Bishop Ioachim Bacaoanu, Vicar of the Archiepiscopia of Roman and Bacau, Delegate of the Orthodox Metropolite of Iasi
– Local Authorities Representatives
– Msgr. Antonio Grappone representative of the Pontifical Council for the Laity

10.30   Ways of co-responsibility between local and global entities – Emilio Inzaurraga
Sandro Calvani, Director ASEAN Centre of Excellence for UN Millennium Development Goals, Asian Institute of Technology.

12.00   Holy Mass in the Byzantine Rite by H.E. Msgr. Virgil Bercea
Homily by H.E. Msgr. Anton Cosa Bishop of Chisinau (Moldova)

Musical Moments by the Choir FIAT LUX of Oradea

Tour of Iasi

16.30 Introduction – Franco Miano National President of Catholic Action, Italy
Ways of co-responsibility: workshops with Bishops, priests and lay people
18.00  Presentations by countries: Africa
19.00  Evening Prayer with the CA Saints and Blessed

H.E. Msgr. Felix Machado Bishop – India

21.00   A sure compass for the III Millennium 11 October 1962-2012 – FIFTY YEARS AFTER THE SECOND ECUMENICAL VATICAN COUNCIL Testimonies, photos, perspectives for the future. Coordinated by Chiara Santomiero – IFCA Press Office

Friday 24 August – Getting to know Eastern Rumania
07.15  Departure

Holy Mass in the Latin Rite at the Marian Sanctuary in Cacica
H.E. Msgr. Luis COLLAZUOL – Argentina
Visit to the Orthodox Monastery in Voronet
Visit to the Orthodox Monastery in Agapia
Visit to the Vineyard and Wine Museum of Moldova
Typical dinner and return to Iași

Saturday 25 August – On the 50th Anniversary of The Second Ecumenical Vatican Council – CA a gift of the Spirit
07.30  Holy Mass in the Latin Rite by H.E. Msgr. Domenico Sigalini, Bishop of Palestrina – IFCA Ecclesiastical Assistant
09.30   CA TODAY: a gift of the Spirit to the Church, a vocation for the world in the light of the teaching of Vatican Council II and of the Popes

Presentation by Oana Tuduce
Presentations by countries: Europe, America and Asia. Separate meetings for leaders of Children, Youth and Adult Groups and Assistants

Tour of Iasi

16.30  Towards the Year of Faith
Reading of the message by Msgr. Francisco-Javier LOZANO, Apostolic Nuncio in Romania
by Msgr. Petru Gherghel


Presided over by Emilio Inzaurraga
(Session open for all, but right of speech and vote only for member countries representatives)

  • Triennial Report on the Secretariat Activities
  • Financial report
    by Gianni Rotondo, IFCA Administrator
  • The Normative Document from 2000 up today (proposed amendments) Michele Panajotti (ICA National Administrator)
  • Approval of amendments to the Normative Document
  • Acceptance of new member countries

18.15 Presentation of candidate countries to sit on the Secretariat and Elections
19.45   Evening Prayer in the Byzantine Rite by H.E. Msgr. Virgil Bercea
21.30  International evening

Sunday 26 August – Towards the Year of faith
08.30 Morning Prayer – H.E. Msgr. Venant Bacinoni – Burundi

Presentation of the new Secretariat

Interventions and perspectives
10.00  Departure for the Cathedral
11.00  Holy Mass in the Latin Rite – His Eminence Card. Salvatore De Giorgi (with the participation of Iasi CA parish groups and CA groups from other dioceses)
12.30  Final celebrations and lunch together



Countries of Ifca Secretariat 2012-2017

  • Argentina
  • Burundi
  • Italy
  • Romania
  • Spain

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