Rome, April 8 2017 – Palm Sunday

Laudato si’ in the life and mission of Catholic Action

A contribution so that Catholic Action may decisively make the Encyclical Laudato Si’

Last update: 13 February 2024


On May 24 2015, Pope Francis published the encyclical “Laudato si’. On care for our common home”, in which he gave us a picture of the present situation of our planet as regards the environment and the whole human development, an evaluation of this reality and a series of proposals starting from faith which invites us to become aware of our responsibilities in relation to ourselves, our neighbor, creation and the Creator.

As Catholic Action we want to put ourselves again at the service of the mission of the Church. We welcome this encyclical by the Pope so that, with humility, generosity, broad horizons and a missionary style, we will be able, both on a personal and community level, to bear witness to Jesus Christ. in situations where creation suffers because of humanity’s actions.

The planet, just like vulnerable people and those excluded in this world, should not be a “momentary” or a passing problem. This is why the objective of this publication consists in making Laudato si’ materialize in CA’s life and mission. This is not a summary or a synthesis of the encyclical; this is not the intention. It is always necessary to read, study, reflect and pray, starting from the encyclical which Pope Francis has given us.

Ultimately, it is a proposal to help all CA groups in the world to decide to make Laudato si’ their own. This is a guide to read and an ongoing invitation for our Christian commitment. To do this we have chosen some of the main aspects that the Pope transmits us in Laudato si’, so that, in all circumstances and in the various contexts and places in which we live, we will be able to give life to the encyclical with our Christian commitment.

The text is structured in such a way that it goes from the most personal dimension to that which is more communitarian with the Church and with society. It is thus divided into four main parts:

1.       At personal level

2.       At CA level

3.       As an outgoing Church: our personal commitment and our communitarian commitment in the world

4.      Dialogue for an integral ecology

In this way, those individuals and groups, who study Laudato si’ in depth can, with the help of this material, begin a progressive process, starting from the closest and personal realities and then gradually widening the horizon to other contexts.  In them Catholic Action’s  associative dimension, as well as that of the whole Church and of the whole of society, can be a better help for the laity’s mission in the world.


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