
Last update: 11 March 2024


Logo elements
•30 (1991 – 2021)
•The World and the continents represented by the different missionary colours
•Link with the logo of the II International Congress (27 April 2017)
•The cross
•The dynamic tension of the mission (the arrow)
•Together is better

white EUROPE
yellow ASIA
green AFRICA
light blue OCEANIA

Theme: Catholic Action CATHOLIC PASSION
In closing his speech-lesson on 27 April 2017 on the occasion of the II International Congress of the International Forum of Catholic Action, Pope Francis proposed “Catholic Action Catholic Passion” as a slogan with which to motivate our commitment as CA and the promotion of CA:  «In the 1937 publication “La Acción Católica a luz de la teología Tomista”, we read the following words: “Might Catholic Action not be translated as Catholic Passion?” Catholic passion, the passion of the Church, is to experience the delightful and comforting joy of evangelising. This is what we need from Catholic Action».

30 years of IFCA allow us to witness, with so many limitations, 30 of Catholic Action in so many countries of the world, 30 years of Catholic Passion to support, encourage so many lay men and women, so many boys, young people, adults, families to welcome living their vocation in fullness, with the charism of CA, redefined in the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council (AA 20), at the service of the local Church, with the Priest Assistants, with the Pastors, in communion with the Pope and with the universal Church.

It is providential that the 30th anniversary of IFCA takes place during the synodal path (2021-2023), we want to live it as a time to give thanks, to remember, a time for meeting, listening, discerning, for a prophecy that allows itself to be illuminated by the Word of God, that is rooted in the present, with wide horizons of the future. Let us see it as equally providential that the 30th anniversary of IFCA should take place at this difficult time in the world and in our countries and continents: let us try to concretely nourish the hope of universal fraternity to emerge better from the pandemic and build a world of peace.

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