The Logo of our Congress

Last update: 13 September 2024


The Logo of our Congress has been designed with the goal of witnessing, with simple lines and with the colours representing each of the continents, an “outgoing” Catholic Action that is present in the world as a community of missionary disciples, whose centre is always Jesus, represented in the cross. A CA that assumes as its own the pastoral programme that Pope Francis has drawn in the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. This is shown by the movement of the external arrow leading out and by all other open lines.

The coloured lines represent the world according to meridians and parallels. Green represents Africa, red America, blue Oceania, yellow Asia and white Europe. In each continent the Catholic Action is present with various forms, under this name or some other title, but constituted by the ensemble of the characteristic four notes according to the definition of Vatican Council II (AA 20).

The Logo is completed by the theme of the Congress: “Catholic Action in  mission, with everyone and for everyone”, with reference to paragraph 273 of Evangelii Gaudium, because we want to be mission in the heart of the people, by offering the whole dynamic of our fruitful associative life in the Church, mystery of missionary communion and in the society.

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