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National Forum Xaveri Movement

Bukavu, 21-24 August 2024

Last update: 29 August 2024


The Xaveri Movement of the Democratic Republic of Congo organised a National Forum from 21 to 24 August 2024, which took place in one of the ecclesiastical provinces known as the ecclesiastical province of Bukavu.

There was a huge turnout with a strong delegation from different parts of the country such as Bunia, Kisangani, Goma, etc…

The motto of the activity for the 2024-2025 initiation year throughout the country was:
‘Be proud to be Christian Xaveri’.

The following topics were discussed during the Forum:
1/ Capacitation on leadership
2/ Focus on social cohesion
3/ Capacitation on the challenges facing young people in the face of conflicts in the movement and in the Grand Lac regions.

This activity culminated on 25 August with a major event to mark the 12th anniversary  of the death of the founder of the Xaveri Movement in the country, Reverend Father Georges Defour, a missionary in Africa, with a mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Bukavu.

Photos and short videos of all the activities are included.

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