24 September 2023

26° Encuentro Juvenil de la Diócesis de Carabayllo EJUCAR

"Hand in hand with Mary towards a Synodal Church"

Last update: 16 January 2024


A team of the Catholic Action Youth was present at the 26th Youth Meeting of the Diocese of Carabayllo EJUCAR which took place on Sunday, September 24th 2023.

The delegation, mostly made up of students from the last years of secondary school, participated together with other young people from different parishes in the diocese of Carabayllo.

Between songs, dynamics and reflection on the theme “Hand in hand with Mary towards a Synodal Church” they were able to share with Monsignor Neri Menor Vargas.

After the Eucharist, our young people returned encouraged by the desire to continue participating in future meetings and to continue sharing their experience of faith with other young people from the different schools of the diocese.

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