8 June

One Minute for Peace

What we do

Last update: 12 December 2024


One Minute for Peace” was launched by the International Forum of Catholic Action (IFCA), by the Italian Catholic Action and Argentinian Catholic Action, by the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO) and by others, for the first time on June 6, 2014 at 1 p.m., in support of the “Invocation for Peace” meeting, promoted by Pope Francis on June 8 in the Vatican Gardens together with the President of Israel (Simon Peres), the President of the Palestinian Authority (Maḥmūd ʿAbbās – Abu Mazen), and the Patriarch of Constantinople (Bartholomew I).

Preyer for peace

 Facebook and Instagram –  #unminutoporlapaz


In 2019, after five years,  those who promote ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE propose a common logo for this initiative.

In the light of an ever increasing number of participants from both individuals and national and international bodies, the new logo aims to further encourage participation and sharing of this message of dialogue and peace between generations, Catholic Action Associations and other aggregations, Christians of various denominations, believers in a one God,  faithful of religions,  men and women of good will.

The dove is a universal symbol of peace and goog news as well as the olive tree with its fruits that give joy and are to be shared with the poor (Dt 24, 20).

The circle, with the colours that indicate continents and cultures, is open, the arrow makes it dynamic, it becomes an invitation to assume our responsibility as operators of justice and peace, there where we live, with an open horizon.


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