Towards the 8th of June 2025 – At least one minute for peace on the way to fraternity

In prayer with Mary, Queen of the Human Family and Queen of Peace, every day but especially on the 8th of every month.

What we do

Last update: 28 February 2025


IFCA has been promoting since 2014 a simple initiative ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE, recalling the invocation for peace in the Vatican Gardens on 8 June 2014 by Pope Francis together with the then President of Israel, Shimon Peres, the President of the Palestinian Authority, Maḥmūd ʿAbbās – Abu Mazen and in the presence of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I.
Ten years have now passed, we need to intensify our prayer. From 8 June 2024 to 8 June 2025 we propose a monthly appointment praying for peoples in conflict in the company of witnesses of peace, encouraged by Pope Francis.

During the year of prayer in preparation for the Jubilee, let us answer to the Pope’s invitation to pray for peace.
Last 8 June, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of One Minute for Peace, Pope Francis commemorated the initiative with a tweet, reminding us to stop “to pray at least #OneMinuteForPeace, asking the Immaculate Heart of Mary to intercede for us before Jesus. Let us #PrayTogether: ‘Queen of the human family, show your people the path of fraternity. Queen of peace, obtain peace for our world.’”

On the 8 June 2025, Pentecost Sunday in the Holy Year, we will be celebrating the Jubilee of Catholic Associations and Movements As IFCA Secretariate we look forward to this occasion and invite all CA Associations to organise pilgrimages to Rome for this event.

With Mary, let us offer our personal prayer, our Rosary and our silent adoration, in our families and in our groups and let us also involve our friends. Let us also remember the  invocation for peace wich Pope Francis made in 2014 and which he renewed in 2024.

WHY THIS PROPOSAL?  Emilio Inzaurraga


We invite you to use your creatively to include AT LEAST ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE ON THE WAY TO FRATERNITY in your agenda.  As Secretariat we will be putting some simple inputs on the website and on the social media of UMPP (FB –IG) and IFCA (FBIGX) as reminders.

Calendar. Save the date!

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