Luján - Argentina

16 December 2023: Cardinal Eduardo Francisco Pironio is beatified

Last update: 20 December 2024


IFCA took part in the beatification in presence with FIAC/IFCA Ecclesiastical Assistant H.E. Msgr Eduardo Garcia, the National President Claudia Carbajal and the National Council of CA Argentina, many diocesan CAs and Emilio Inzaurraga, responsible for FIAC America.

“Yesterday in the Shrine of Our Lady of Luján in Argentina, Cardinal Eduardo Pironio was beatified, a humble and zealous pastor, a witness of hope, defender of the poor. He collaborated with Saint John Paul II in the promotion of lay people and World Youth Day. May his example help us to be a Church that goes out, that accompanies everyone on their way, especially the weakest. A round of applause for the new Blessed!”
(Pope Francis, Angelus 17.12.2023)

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