A MINUTE FOR PEACE – Friday 6 June at 1.00pm

Last update: 13 March 2024


In this, the birthplace of the Prince of Peace, I wish to invite you, President Mahmoud Abbas, together with President Shimon Peres, to join me in heartfelt prayer to God for the gift of peace. I offer my home in the Vatican as a place for this encounter of prayer.

Regina Coeli – Bethlehem, 25 May 2024

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Pope Francis has invited the Presidents of Israel and of the Palestinian Authorities to his “house”. He will be holding a prayer meeting for peace with them on the 8th June in Rome.

The Pope has asked the Church to pray for this meeting which is the first of its kind and which has drawn the attention of public opinion worldwide.

And please, I ask you not to leave us alone: please pray, pray very hard so that the Lord may grant us peace, may grant peace in that blessed Land! I count on your prayers. Pray hard at this time, pray hard so that we may have peace. (General Audience 28 May 2014)

This proposal could be a special occasion for us to pray, to reflect and to evangelize.

In Argentina, CA has launched an appeal to its members and is also passing it on to IFCA and WUCWO of which it is a member. The appeal is: A MINUTE FOR PEACE – it is asking for a prayer, in a way of witnessing: short, simple, for all.

Actually, the IFCA Secretariat is passing on this proposal to all CA Associations in all parts of the world. On Friday 6th June at 1.00pm, CA members and all people of good will, wherever they happen to be: at work, at school, with their neighbours, at home, at university or in front of their parish, to stop, bow their head and pray, following their proper tradition.

At that time, priests are being asked to leave their Churches and go out into the street to pray for peace with the people who may have gathered near the church. Thus they will be answering to the Pope’s invitation.

If two or three get together: so much the better!

Praying on Friday – a day of prayer for Islam and vigil of the day of prayer for Judaism – unites us to believers of these religions, who, like us Christians, have their roots in the Holy Land.


Let us share A MINUTE FOR PEACE in church during Mass, with our neighbours, in our families, in our groups, among our friends, in our parishes.

You could share the depliant on line

There is a page on Facebook Facebook/unminutoporlapaz explaining this initiative and to give any further information. There is also a twitter address #unminutoporlapaz


A MINUTE FOR PEACE is an indication that we should intensify our daily prayers at personal, family, group and Christian community level:

  • Participation in daily Mass – Lauds and Vespers – Via Lucis – Via Crucis – Holy Rosary – Veni Sancte Spiritus – …. Particularly on the 8th June, Day of Pentecost
  • Prepare bidding prayers for the Masses celebrated in our parishes, the Sequence to the Holy Spirit. Propose, animate, participate in a Pentecost Vigil at Diocesan or
  • Parish level
  • Try to follow directly, possibly in groups, as a family, in the parish (in the afternoon – official time to be announced later) the Holy Father’s prayer in Rome
  • with representatives of Hebraism and Islam and with President Peres and Abu Mazen
  • BEFORE or on the 8th June take part in Diocesan/ Parish Prayer initiatives, …

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