Saturday, 5 October 2024 15:00 -16:00 (Rome time)

5 October 2024: Webinar to celebrate the World Day for Decent Work

Invitation to celebrate this day worldwide with a webinar promoted by IFCA

Last update: 18 October 2024


As from 2023, among the days promoted by IFCA, we have included the International Day for Decent Work, which is celebrated on the 7 October of every year.

GOAL: to raise awareness of the need for decent work among CA Associations all over the world and in the local Churches, with in-depth discussions and other initiatives.


ON LINE – Saturday, 5 October 2024
3-4 pm (Rome time)

First reflection
Why IFCA is celebrating this day – Presentation by Eva Fernández Mateo (IFCA Secretariat Coordinator)

Words of greeting Giuseppe Notarstefano National President AC Italy

Second reflection
Intervention by Sr Alessandra Smerilli, FMA., Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

Third reflection
Video from Argentina, Mexico, Philippines, Senegal, Italy, Spain and Albania,  answering these two questions:

  1. What is the reality about decent work in my country? Define it with three or four characteristics
  2. What needs to be changed to achieve this decent work? Formulate three or four proposals


Fourth reflection
Video by Christine Isturiz  Co-President of  WMCW (World Movement of Christian Workers)

During the webinar
some excerpts about Decent work in the Social Doctrine of the Church, in the Magisterium of the Popes and in the WMCW Manifesto 2024

Final greetings

Webinar with simultaneous translation in Spanish, Italian, English, French


The ILO launched the Global Campaign for Decent Work in 2007 and, subsequently, the trade union movement established the World Day for Decent Work in 2008 on 7 October. GOAL: to raise awareness about fundamental rights and sustainable employment to ensure that all men and women have access to productive work, in conditions of freedom, equality, security and human dignity. Indeed, only decent work can give a human face to employment and provide stability to the individual and his or her social network.


Italian Catholic Action

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