8 June 2024

One minute for Peace around the world. Photos from countries and Press review

We want peace. An urgency, a right, a need

Last update: 14 June 2024


Press review

Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life The power of prayer: ‘One Minute for Peace’ turns 10 and remains extremely relevant. The Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life invites to join the initiative on 8 June   On DLFL  web site in Italian, English, Spanish, French (PDF)

Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development on X in Italian, English, Spanish, French – on FB

CELAM: Episcopal Conference of Latin America  (PDF)

Episcopal Conference of Chile

Argentine Bishops’ Conference (Pdf)

FABC (The Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences)

CBCP Catholic Bishops’Conference Philippines

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar (CBCM) translated the prayer into Burmese and distributed it to the whole country

Holy See Press Office 06.06.2024


Osservatore Romano 08.06.2024 (PDF)

La Nación 08.06.2024 (PDF)

RAINEWS 07.06.2024 (PDF)

Religión Digital 07.06.2024 (PDF)

Canal Orbe 21. Interview with Emilio Inzaurraga about One Minute for Peace (Video) 06.06.2024 (in 2014 National President CA Argentina and coordinator of IFCA secretariat,  in 2024 UMPP  working group coordinator and responsible FIAC America) 

Vatican Radio 05.06.2024. Interview with Giuseppe Notarstefano (National President of AC Italia) on the “One minute for peace” initiative *starting at minute 41:35*

Infobae. Opinion Mons. Garcia 08.06.2024 (PDF)

AICA.org 07006.2024 (PDF)

Askanews (PDF)

ACIPRENSA 06.06.2024  (PDF)

AGENSIR 06.06.2024 (PDF)

Herald Weekly (Video)

Obras Misionales Pontificias

Vida nueva” 29.05.2024 (PDF)

AICA 23.05.2023   (PDF)

CA are promoting UMPP in their countries

Azione Cattolica Italiana
Acción Católica Argentina
Acción Católica General Spain

Philippines: At exactly 1:00 PM, students, faculty, and staff paused and prayed. Fr. Sebastian Gabuya,ofm, the School Chaplain presided over the Liturgy together with Sr. Sharon Templanza, fmij, REED Instructor. As Franciscans, praying for peace is always our prayer asking the Lord to make us instruments of peace like St. Francis of Assisi.


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