8 June. One Minute for Peace

Last update: 13 March 2024


Appeal of Pope Francis (General Audience 07.06.2017)

Tomorrow at 1:00 PM “A Minute for Peace” initiative is renewed in several countries. It’s a short moment of prayer on the recurrence of the meeting in the Vatican between me, the late Israeli President Peres, and the Palestinian President Abbas. In our days, there is a great need to pray – Christians, Jews, and Muslims – for peace.

Once again we want to propose to all men and all women of good will “A MINUTE FOR PEACE” to unite our efforts and our prayer for peace, unfortunately broken or threatened in several regions of the world.
It will be held on June 8, 2017 at 1.00 PM (13h) on the occasion of the second anniversary of the historical meeting between Pope Francis and the presidents of Israel and Palestine, held in the Vatican.

Our proposal is that that day t 1.00 PM (13h), each of us can stop for a moment, for a minute, praying according to one’s own tradition.
We can do it alone or in groups, in our home  or at work  or studying, or by a celebration in a place of prayer and mercy:

We want to offer everyone the opportunity, this sign, to encourage continuous prayer and commitment for peace and mercy, with a special intention for refugees who suffer every day the consequences of violence.
A minute for peace to answer concretely, in the daily life, to Pope Francis who often reminds us that peace is a skilled work

•  Crafting peace is a skilled work: it requires passion, patience, experience and tenacity. Blessed are those who sow peace by their daily actions, their attitudes and acts of kindness, of fraternity, of dialogue, of mercy..Sarajevo 6 June 2015

• Our task is that of praying for one another, imploring from God the gift of peace, encountering one another, engaging in dialogue and promoting harmony in the spirit of cooperation and friendship Cairo 28 April 2017

• It is only through dialogue that one can design a shared future. It is through dialogue that we build peace, while we take care of everyone and establish dialogue with all. To Italian CA 30 April 2017

Help us spreading this initiative  and counting around the world a growing number of MINUTES for PEACE .

At the FIAC headquarters in Rome, a prayer initiative at the entrance gate in Via della Conciliazione 1 with workers from the offices in the building.

In the photogallery initiative postcard available in 34 different languages.

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