8 June. One Minute for Peace

Last update: 13 March 2024


On 5 June 2019 during the General Audience, Pope Francis recalled the initiative One Minute for Peace.

“Next Saturday, 8 June, will be the fifth anniversary of the meeting, here in the Vatican, of the Presidents of Israel and Palestine with me and Patriarch Bartholomew. At 1:00 PM  we are invited to dedicate “a minute for peace” — in prayer, for believers; in reflection, for non-believers — everyone together for a more fraternal world. Thanks go to Catholic Action International, which is promoting this initiative.”

Also on 8 June 2019, Pope Francis recalled the initiative One Minute for Peace with a tweet  and in the speech To participants in the international Conference of Leaders of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service – Charis
And now, I would like to anticipate by twenty-five minutes – later, if you want, you can do it yourselves – but together with you I would like to anticipate by twenty-five minutes the act that the entire Church carries out today: a minute of silence for peace. Why? Because today is the anniversary, the fifth anniversary, of the meeting here in the Vatican between the Presidents of the State of Palestine and the State of Israel. We prayed together for peace, and throughout the world today at thirteen hours, there will be a moment of silence. Let’s do it now, before the blessing, all together, standing.


On June 8 at 1 p.m. by ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE 2019 we take up the appeal of the Document “Human fraternity for world peace and living together” signed  in Abu Dhabi on february 2019 by Pope Francis and by the Great Imam Ahmad Al-Tayyeb: “Al-Azhar and the Catholic Church ask that this Document become the object of research and reflection in all schools, universities and institutes of formation, thus helping to educate new generations to bring goodness and peace to others, and to be defenders everywhere of the rights of the oppressed and of the least of our brothers and sisters”.

We invite all people around the world: Catholics and Christians of other denominations together with believers of other religions, men and women of good will “to unite and work together so that it may serve as a guide for future generations to advance a culture of mutual respect in the awareness of the great divine grace that makes all human beings brothers and sisters”. An occasion to remember also the VIII Centenary of St Francis’ encounter with the Sultan of Egypt Al-Malik Al-Kamel.

This initiative is aimed at individuals or groups and can become an occasion for meetings on June 8, or near this date, with a special care of the media and social media.

It’s up to us! Let us involve people to spread this initiative in order to count around the world a growing number of MINUTES FOR PEACE.


From the world

“Peru, Argentina, Italy, Spain, Brazil, United States, Chile, Palestine…our minute for peace was also experienced with the producer of the film ‘Paul, Apostle of Christ’. A strong moment of communion with a Hail Mary recited, each in his own language, in the place where it all began.”
(Luca, Clara, Emilia, Lidia e Milena)
#UnMinutoperlaPace #storiedahogar #stellari#alvederelastella

“Un Minuto por la Paz” at a meeting of peasant organisations of Family Farming in the city of Reconquista – Province of Santa Fe.

“OLLA Comunitaria Barrio La Lucha ”
On June 8th we were able to attend and the moment was unique again, we delivered food to 200 people from the community of Barrio Reyes Mago.





In the photogallery initiative postcard available in  33 different languages.

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