Let us lend a hand to peace. For Ukarine, Holy Land and all the world. 8 June: One Minute for Peace

Last update: 14 March 2024


With ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE 2022 on Wednesday 8 June at 1 p.m. We invite everyone: Catholics, Christians of different denominations, believers of many religions, men and women of good will to join to pray for peace, to formulate thoughts of peace and to work together for peace all over the world, especially in UKRAINE, in the Holy Land, in Jerusalem, between Israelis and Palestinians and in so many countries suffering from ongoing conflicts and their consequences.

LET US LEND A HAND TO PEACE Let us raise this slogan and respond to the appeal of Pope Francis, in his message URBI et ORBI 2022 on 17 April 2022: “Peace is possible; peace is a duty; peace is everyone’s primary responsibility!”.
Let us involve and spread with all the media at our disposal this initiative that urges us to assume our responsibilities as individuals and as a community.

One Minute for Peace” was launched by the International Forum of Catholic Action (IFCA), by the Italian Catholic Action and Argentinian Catholic Action, by the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO) and by others, for the first time on June 6, 2014 at 1 p.m., in support of the “Invocation for Peace” meeting, promoted by Pope Francis on June 8 in the Vatican Gardens together with the President of Israel (Simon Peres), the President of the Palestinian Authority (Maḥmūd ʿAbbās – Abu Mazen), and the Patriarch of Constantinople (Bartholomew I).

• Interview with Rafael Corso and Paolo Segheddoni (Vatican News ES)

In the phothogallery flyers with phrases of Pope Francis from the Message for World Peace Day 2022 and speeches after the start of the war in Ukraine

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