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Rome, Domus Mariae – ACI National Presidency Hall, 21/25.02.2024

Programme ‘after’ the meeting and photogallery

IFCA Secretariat Meeting

Last update: 28 February 2024




Wednesday 21 FEBRUARY
8.00 p.m. DINNER at the Residenza
9.30 p.m. – 10.15 p.m. Prayer with Eucharistic adoration (AC Saints and Blesseds Chapel)
Mgr. Eduardo Garcia / Fr. José Antonio Cano Cano

9.00 a.m. Opening prayer
Msgr. Eduardo Garcia / Fr. José Antonio Cano Cano

Simultaneous translation 9.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m.
Introduction – Eva Fernández Mateo (Coordinator FIAC Secretariat )
IFCA and CA: Synod 23-24

The service of IFCA to the countries – interventions of the participants

12.00 Holy Mass (Chapel)
Presided over by H.E. Mgr. Eduardo Garcia (Bishop of San Justo. FIAC Ecclesiastical Assistant) Homily ES

Lunch Residenza 1.00 p.m.
Continental meeting FIAC ASIA – Zoom – 2-3.00 p.m.

3.30 p.m. continuation of work
Simultaneous translation 16.00- 18.00
10 years UMPP – Emilio Inzaurraga
7.10.24 decent work – Maru Megina
New website

18.30 Dinner Residence

8.00 p.m. continuation of work
SVYO project report
Simultaneous translation 20.30-22.00

Friday 23rd FEBRUARY St Polycarp martyr
9.00 a.m. Prayer Abbé Sebastién Mamadou (Senegal)

Simultaneous translation 9.30 am – 11.30 am
IFCA and Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life
Abuse Protocol
Normative Document ad experimentum and Normative Document currently in force
(WYD, Day of the Elderly, Annual Meeting of Associations and Movements, ….)

Balance 2023 and budget 2024 – Gianni Rotondo (FIAC Administrator)

Lunch Residenza 12.30 p.m.

3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Works without simultaneous translation

Continental meeting IFCA AFRICA – Zoom – 3pm-4pm (FR)

3 p.m.-4 p.m. in presence
Europe Mediterranean meeting
Asia project

4.15 pm together
Continental Coordinations _ by ages and assistants
Introduction – Claudia Carbajal

Continental Coordinations: updates and perspectives
Africa – America – Asia – Europe Mediterranean

5.30 p.m. – 7.15 p.m.
Coordination by age and assistants
perspectives to start and intensify
Adult Coordination
YOUTH Coordination – ZOOM – 6pm-7pm (EN)
Children Coordination
Assistants Coordination

19.30 Holy Mass – Chapel
Presided over: H.E. Msgr. Claudio Giuliodori (General Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Italian AC) Homily IT

8.30 p.m. Dinner Residence

After dinner
Prayer Way of the Cross

Saturday 24 FEBRUARY Blessed Mayer Nusser (ACI witness)
8.30 Holy Mass with ACR (Chapel)
Presided over by H.E. Msgr. Salvator Niciteretse (Bishop of Bururi, IFCA Africa Coordinator) Homily FR

9.30 a.m. Works without simultaneous translation
Proposals of continental projects with Chiara Finocchietti

11.15 a.m. Continuation of work
Simultaneous translation 11.30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Continuation about the budget

IFCA and the Pio XI Foundation: Promoting the Foundation. Towards the Assembly 2025
Blessed Eduardo Pironio

Year of Prayer and Jubilee 2025

Next meetings of the Secretariat online and in presence 2024 – 2025
Towards the Assembly 2026

13.30 Lunch Residenza

16.00 Continuation of work
Simultaneous translation 16.30 – 18.00
IFCA’s service to countries:  plan 2024-25
Communication and social media (working group)
Training and promotion tools (working group)


walking in Rome and street food

Sunday 25 FEBRUARY II Sunday of Lent
8.30 a.m. Holy Mass Domus Mariae Church
With Synodal Committee – Italian Bishops’ Conference Homily IT

10.00 a.m. towards St. Peter’s
Angelus – greetings from Pope Francis


Texts of the Liturgy of the Word of the Day (it-es-en-fr)

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