Switzerland IT (Ticino)

Member Country

Last update: 3 April 2024


Website www.azionecattolica.ch

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/azionecattolica.ticinese

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/azionecattolicagiovani/?max_id=1681878863724240939 

Azione Cattolica Ticinese (ACT) is an association of lay people who are committed to living, each to their own measure and in community form, the experience of faith, the proclamation of the Gospel and the call to sanctity. It was founded in Ticino on 10 July 1861 in a room of the Federale in Piazza Riforma in Lugano, by the will of a dozen young people of the time. It is located in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland, where it offers activities for the different age groups involved in Catholic life. The ACT is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and has as patrons St. Charles Borromeo, St. Nicholas of Flüe, Blessed Peter Berna, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Blessed Armida Barelli and Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati.

The Association is organised in three different sectors:

– Children’s Sector from 6 to 11 years of age

– YOUTH Sector from 11 to 30 years old

– Adults and Families Sector, from the age of 30 or from the time of marriage.

As activities are proposed retreats and formations for all, residential colonies that include formative, spiritual, recreational and sports activities for young people and children. The adult and family sector offers specific formations, spiritual retreats, moments of sharing and cultural activities.  Unitarian activities are also organised for all three sectors and thus have an intergenerational value.

The association also has an association magazine, in its 102nd year of publication, which is called Spighe and is sent to members and subscribers nine times a year.

Name of the Association

Azione Cattolica Ticinese

National responsible name




Country activities

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