29 October 2024


1 November. All Saints' Day; 8 November At least one minute for peace: Let us pray for countries in conflict in Africa; IFCA meetings on the occasion of the Synod.

Last update: 30 October 2024


A few days ago the second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops ended. Each of the participants carried in their hearts the desire and the commitment to promote its continuity in each of our places in order to make real what the Pope told us after the approval of the final document: ‘ the synodal Church now needs its shared words to be accompanied by actions’.

The whole ‘synodal spirit is putting into practice what the Council taught about the Church as Mystery and People of God, called to sanctity through a continuous conversion that stems from listening to the Gospel’ (DF n.5) and, therefore, it is necessary to renew our missionary ardour and proclaim God’s love and mercy in the midst of our world and build His Kingdom, listening to the voice of the Spirit who will accompany us on new paths.

Let us stand once more and carry the joy of the Gospel through the streets of the world. (Homily of the Holy Father at the closing celebration of the Synod of Bishops).

In a few days we celebrate the Feast of All Saints, may they be an encouragement to us in our following of Christ, and let us ask them to intercede for Catholic Action to be faithful to its mission in each local Church.

Let us continue to be conscious of so many situations of conflict around the world, of so much senselessly generated pain and suffering, and ‘Together, with the hope that does not disappoint, united in the love of God in our hearts, we should not only dream of peace but also commit ourselves with all our strength so that, perhaps without talking so much about synodality, peace will be realized through the processes of listening, dialogue and reconciliation ‘ (Final greeting of the Holy Father to the XVI Assembly of the Synod of Bishops).

Eva Fernández Mateo
Coordinator of IFCA Secretariat

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