Messages of the Holy Father to the Assemblies of Italian Catholic Action

Last update: 5 April 2024


Addres of His Holiness Pope Francis to the members of the National Council of Italian Catholic Action 30.04.2021
XVII National Assembly (25.04 /04.05.2021)

Addres of His Holiness Pope Francis to Italian Catholic Action 30.04.2017
XVI National Assembly (28.4/01.05.2017)

Addres of His Holiness Pope Francis to Italian Catholic Action 03.05.2014
XV National Assembly (30.04/03.05. 2014)

Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI to participants of the XIV National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 06.05.2011
XIV National Assembly (06.05/08.05.2011)

Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to Italian Catholic Action 04.05.2008
XIII National Assembly (01.05/04.05.2008)

XII  National Assembly (22.04/25.04.2005)
On 24 April, the delegates to the National Assembly participated in the Holy Mass for the beginning of the Petrine Ministry of the Bishop of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI

Message of His Holiness John Paul II to the participants of the XI National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 26.04.2002
XI National Assembly (25.04/28.04.2002)

Homily of John Paul II/ Eucharistic celebration in the occasion of the X National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 08.12.1998
X National Assembly (05.12/08.12.1998)

Message of His Holiness John Paul II to participants of the IX National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 29.04.1995
IX  National Assembly (29.04/01.05.1995)

Message of His Holiness John Paul II to participants of the VIII National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 24.04.1992
VIII National Assembly (24.04/26.04.1992)

Message of His Holiness John Paul II to participants of the VII National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 24.04.1989
VII National Assembly (22.4/25.04.1989)

Message of His Holiness John Paul II to participants of the VI National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 25.04.1986
VI National Assembly (25.04/27.04.1986)

Message of His Holiness John Paul II to participants of the V National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 09.12.1983
V National Assembly (08.12/11.12.1983)

Message of His Holiness John Paul II to participants of the IV National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 27.09.1980
IV National Assembly (25.09/28.09.1980)

Address of the Holy Father Paul VI to the participants of the National Assembly of Italian Catholic Action 25.04.1977
III National Assembly (22.04/25.04.1977)

Address of the Holy Father Paul VI to the Delegates of Italian Catholic Action 22.09.1973
II National Assembly (21.09/23.09.1973)

Address of the Holy Father Paul VI to the participants at the first National Assembly of the Diocesan Leaders of Italian Catholic Action 25.09.1970
I National Assembly (25.09/27.09.1970)




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