City Vatican, 24 June 2010

The Pope encourages to deepen fundamental role of the laity in the construction of a more human society

Message on the occasion of the VI American Continental Meeting in Mexico

Last update: 20 March 2024


Mr. Bishop:
In accordance with your kind letter of the 18th of this month, I ask you to kindly transmit the following message:
“His Holiness Benedict XVI greets with affection the participants in the VI American Continental Meeting, which is being held in Mexico, organised by the International Forum of Catholic Action, and which has as its motto, “Life, Bread, Peace, Freedom”. On this occasion, the Pope encourages them to deepen the fundamental role of the laity in the construction of a more human society, which responds to God’s original plan for humanity (cf. Lumen gentium, 36). At the same time, and being aware of the many challenges that Christians have to face in today’s world, he exhorts them to pay ever greater attention to the need for an adequate formation and a deep spiritual life in the faithful, which seriously takes into account the experience of faith in God~ since “development needs Christians with their arms raised up to God in prayer, Christians who are aware that the truth-filled love, caritas in veritate,… from which authentic development comes…”. from which authentic development comes, is not the result of our efforts but a gift” (Caritas in veritate, 79).
With these sentiments, and invoking the protection of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Holy Father imparts to you the implored Apostolic Blessing.

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
Secretary of State of His Holiness”.
I take this opportunity to express to you the sentiments of my esteem and esteem in Christ.

(our translation)

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