Vatican City, January 2011

You may be authentic “Ambassadors of Christ” among your brothers and sisters!

Message for the 4th West Africa Continental Meeting in Dakar

Last update: 20 March 2024


LIFE BREAD PEACE AND FREEDOM. For a prosperous, peaceful and reconciled Africa
-Dakar, 19-23 January 2011

Informed of the meeting of the International Forum of Catholic Action in Dakar, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI sends his warmest greetings and encouragement to all participants, assuring them of his fervent prayers.
In the continuation of the second Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Africa, the Holy Father particularly invites the continent’s laity to commit themselves to the paths of justice, reconciliation and peace.
May your Christian faith imbue all dimensions of your family, social, political and working life, so that you may be authentic “Ambassadors of Christ” among your brothers and sisters! For this, give ample space to prayer and the sacraments, and do not be afraid to devote time to acquiring a living faith through solid spiritual and human formation.
Entrusting you to the maternal intercession of Our Lady of Africa, His Holiness imparts to all of you, Pastors and lay faithful taking part in the meeting, his affectionate Apostolic Blessing.

+ Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone
Secretary of State of His Holiness

(our translation)

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