4 December 2000 - Paul VI Hall

Be constantly inspired by the examples and teachings of the Saints and Blesseds who have been formed in the ambit of your Association

Audience to the International Forum of CA

Last update: 22 March 2024


The Pope’s words
John Paul II: Audience to the International Forum of CA

I greet first of all you, dear Brothers and Sisters of the International Forum of Catholic Action, gathered in these days in assembly here in Rome. I greet the Bishops present and the National Presidents gathered for the Assembly. A special thought goes to Monsignor Agostino Superbo, whom I thank for the kind words he addressed to me just now, making himself the interpreter of the feelings of the other participants.
Your presence today is intended to be a sign of renewed fidelity to the Church and a commitment to take up the path of the new evangelisation with ever greater enthusiasm. Catholic Action, like every other group, association and ecclesial movement, is called to be an authentic school of Christian perfection. That is, it is called to be that “laboratory of the faith” which, as I said to the young participants at the unforgettable Prayer Vigil at Tor Vergata, on the occasion of World Youth Day, contributes to forming true disciples and apostles of the Lord. Continue, dear ones, to deepen your search for God.

Always have your minds open to the great expectations and apostolic challenges of our time. Grow in an authentic ecclesial spirit, nourished by the study of the Council Documents, the teaching of which is still very timely. Be faithful to the operative lines that I have outlined in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles Laici. In this way you will increasingly be an asset for the whole Church as it moves towards the third Christian millennium. By returning to the sources of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, you will be able to grasp more clearly the well-known characteristics of your Association, in particular ecclesiality, secularity, organicity, in constant collaboration with your respective Pastors. These are the essential traits that define the face of Catholic Action, albeit with different acronyms and denominations, in so many parts of the world.

If at times the pace of the Communities in which you work should seem slow or tiring, do not be discouraged, but rather redouble your love and your effort to make the image of the Church ever more splendid through your holiness of life and your apostolic zeal. In this mission as humble servants of the unity of the People of God, be constantly inspired by the examples and teachings of the Saints and Blesseds who have been formed in the ambit of your Association: I am thinking in particular of the Mexican martyrs, Blesseds Pier Giorgio Frassati, Gianna Beretta Molla, Pierina Morosini, Antonia Mesina and Sister Gabriella of Unity.
May Mary, the Immaculate Virgin, whom you specially honour to invoke as Mother and Queen of Catholic Action, accompany and protect you.

4 December 2000 – Paul VI Hall
III ORDINARY ASSEMBLY, Rome, 2-6 December 2000
Catholic Action: lay faithful who live the newness of the Gospel and are a sign of communion

(our translation)

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