Vatican City, 9 November 2021

As a forum you have a global mission…

Letter of the Holy Father Francis on the 30th anniversary of the International Forum of Catholic Action

Last update: 20 March 2024


This celebration, which looks back at a founding moment, inevitably makes us look back in grateful contemplation. When we look back, we meet dreamers who dared to look forward with hope. That is why you are here today.
Looking back, we cannot forget a deep dreamer who started and encouraged the creation of this forum; and who today is enjoying seeing us celebrating these 30 years: Cardinal Eduardo Pironio; the one, who with a great love for Catholic Action and full confidence in its mission said: “On the journey of Catholic Action there have been moments of darkness and light, moments of fatigue and loss of direction, fears of being overtaken by
changing times and ecclesial standards. I believe that the Spirit has sent us this providential moment for the deepest renewal of our spiritual, doctrinal, apostolic and missionary commitment. The celebration of this Forum will undoubtedly contribute to this renewal – and I shall return to this point later in my address. This Forum aims to involve other countries in the rich experience of association which has borne so much fruit and is so full of hope”….


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